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Let us look at the New Rules that the contestants need to fulfill to get eligible for the Miss Top Model India Auditions. All the candidates who wish to apply for the Miss top model India Competition should follow these rules._

 • The contestant should be _single, unmarried, and not engaged_ to participate in the Miss Top Model India Contest.

 • The _height_ of the applicant should be *5"3* and above.

 • The participant should be an _Indian by birth_, and it is a must to have a valid id proof to qualify for the competition.

 • The applicant should be _between 18 years and 25 years_ and produce the certificate as the age proof.

 • The contestent should have medium  body shape (should not be *Fat*)

 • The contenstant should have good  _*Intelligence Quotient*_ *IQ* .

 •  Contestant should be confident and should have *_Good Personality_*.

 • _The contestant should not give any incorrect or false information, which results in the disqualifying the candidate from the contest._

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